Saturday, July 01, 2006


When The Army Owns The Weather -
Chemtrails & HAARP

The emergence of Edward Teller promoting this startling technology
is more than
scary. (Teller [NOTE FROM JEFF: Teller was also
Kubrick's inspiration for Dr. Strangelove] was the father
of the H-Bomb and grand promoter of
Readi Kilowatt, our perky little
radiation friend from the
'50s; one of his bright ideas from the '50s was
to create
harbors by nuking our own coastline.) The April 24 New York Timesreported that Teller "has promoted the idea of manipulating the
Earth's atmosphere to counteract global warming." The computer
simulations on the use of aluminum oxide to counter global warming
come from the Lawrence Livermore Weapons
where Teller serves as director emeritus.

By Bob Fitrakis

Humans have long sought to control the weather. Early
people learned how to make fire and modify their
micro-environments; rain dances and other rituals to
alleviate droughts are part of our folklore. So news
that the government is engaged in secret experiments to control
the weather should come as no
surprise - especially after a long
history of "cloud seeding,"
"atom splitting" and cloning revelations.

In fact, a vast majority of people would be shocked to
learn that this orphan of the cold war is still in practice. As
the U.S. and former Soviet Union spent trillions of dollars on
their militaries, their commitment to mutually assured
destruction led to extensive experimentation with the use of weather
as a weapon. In 1977, the Saturday Review cited a CIA report
hinting that the U.S. government already had the power to massively
manipulate the weather for war purposes.

As the Soviet Union disintegrated, a 1993 Isvestia article
suggested the U.S. might want to partner with the Russians in
peddling their top-secret technology to the world. Oleg Klugin,
a high-ranking KGB officer, bragged of his involvement in
geophysical weapons research to a London newspaper. The grid
patterns of jet chemtrails now spotted throughout the Western
world are likely the application of these technologies to new
military and civilian uses.

The military is not attempting to hide its long-term
goals. "Weather is a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in
2025" is a white paper that can be found on a Pentagon-sponsored website.
The paper's abstract reads: "In 2025, U.S. aerospace forces can
'own the weather' by capitalizing on emerging technologies and
focusing development of those technologies towards fighting
applications. Such a capability offers the war fighters tools
to shape the battle space in ways never before possible In the
U.S., weather modification will likely become a part of national
security policy with both domestic and international applications."

Wired magazine wrote about the paper and extensively
quoted physicist Bernard Eastlund in its January 2000 article
"Activate Cloud Shield! Zap a Twister!" The article detailed the
military's plan for "made-to-order thunderstorms" and "lightning
strikes on demand."

Eastlund managed programs for Controlled Thermal Nuclear
for the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission from 1966 to
1974; he was a key researcher in the 1980s' Strategic Space
Initiative (aka Star Wars). Since 1996, Eastlund served as CEO and
president of Eastlund Scientific Enterprises Corporation. The
company boasts on its website that it specializes in "weather
modification" and "tornado modification" among other high-tech services.

Eastlund considers the High Frequency Active Auroral
Research Program (HAARP) in Alaska a smaller version of what he
envisions for weather modification. In response to Michael
Theroux of Borderland Sciences -- who asked Eastlund whether the
HAARP station could affect the weather -- Eastlund replied:
"Significant experiments could be performed The HAARP antenna as
is it now configured modulates the auroral electrojet to induce
ELF waves and thus could have an effect on the zonal winds."

At the Space 2000 Conference and Exposition on Engineering,
Construction, Operations and Business in Space, sponsored by the
American Society of Civil Engineers, Eastlund outlined his plan for
zapping tornados with an electromagnetic radiation
beam from
the proposed Thunderstorm Solar Powered Satellite he's developing
with the help of the European Space Agency and Jenkins Enterprises.

U.S. patent number 6315213, filed on November 13, is described
as a method of modifying weather and should concern the public.
A scientist from Wright Patterson Air Force Base acknowledges
that planes are spraying barium salt, polymer fibers, aluminum
oxide and other chemicals in the atmosphere to both modify the
weather and for military communications purposes. The patent
abstract specifically states: "The polymer is dispersed into the
cloud and the wind of the storm agitates the mixture causing the
polymer to absorb the rain. This reaction forms a gelatinous
substance which precipitate to the surface below. Thus, diminishing
the cloud's ability to rain."

Answering the age-old question, Who'll stop the rain?:

Apparently our government and a few of their closest friends in
the military industrial-complex. The emergence of Edward Teller
promoting this startling technology is more than scary. (Teller
was the father of the H-Bomb and grand promoter of Readi
Kilowatt, our perky little radiation friend from the '50s; one
of his bright ideas from the '50s was to create harbors by
nuking our own coastline.) The April 24 New York Times
reported that Teller "has promoted the idea of manipulating the
Earth's atmosphere to counteract global warming." The computer
simulations on the use of aluminum oxide to counter global
warming come from the Lawrence Livermore Weapons Laboratory,
where Teller serves as director emeritus.

There should be little doubt that this would be a priority for
the government -- or for for-profit military contractors. While
2001 was the second-hottest year on record (1998 holds
the record as the hottest year), the nine hottest years on
record have occurred since 1990. But why would the government
conduct anti-global warming experiments in secret?

Investigative reporter William Thomas holds that there's a link
between the recent increase in asthma, allergies and upper
respiratory ailments and the chemtrail spraying. Sound crazy?
Remember, it sounded absurd when reports first came out that
the government had conducted radioactivity experiments on U.S.
citizens and released radiation from nuclear plants to test the
effect on civilian populations. It sounded bizarre when news
first filtered out that the government was engaged in the MK-
Ultra mind-control experiments using LSD. The CIA and Defense
Intelligence Agency admit they were responsible for many of the
UFO sightings in the 1950s in order the explain away experimental
military technology.

From public documents to mainstream news accounts, the record
is filled with reports of weather-modifying technology left over
from the Cold War. Now we have a right to know what,
if anything,
the government plans to do with it.

From !

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